Backup Your Photos and Videos Using Password Protected Zip Files

Easily create backup archive files that can be shared via email or uploaded to a server for backup purposes.

Usually, third-party programs are used to create file backups. If you don’t want to install third-party applications, or if you just need to create simple zip backup files of your folders, use this Power Automate Desktop flow.

  • Line 1-2: Set Windows source and target full path names.
    Source path should point to a Windows folder that contains subfolders. After the flow have completed, the target path will contain zipped backup files.
  • Line 8: In case you need a password, set it here.
  • If you would like to recreate a zip file (e.g. after new files have been added), then delete the target zip file and rerun the flow.
  • This solution works with all file types, media files are used here as an example.
  • 2021-12-29: Updated flow actions to work with Power Automate Desktop version
PAG Admin
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