Schedule Flows Using Power Automate for Desktop

Did you know that the free edition of Power Automate Desktop does not include flow scheduling? Use this template to schedule flows.
How It Works

Copy and paste the flow to Power Automate Desktop and set your scheduling triggers (see Instructions).

When creating a schedule trigger, you specify either a DelayInMinutes or DayOfWeek, and then choose your flow(s) that should be started. You can use multiple DayOfWeek triggers to kick off multiple flows.

Version 1.4
  • Line 1: Set DelayInMinutes. Default is 1. This is the time in minutes the flow will wait until it will run again. Leave the value as-is if you plan to schedule the flow at specific times (see next row).
  • Line 3-4: (Optional) Enable these lines if you would like to schedule the flow to run daily at a specific day of week and time (e.g. Sunday 11:15). Use format DayOfWeek hh:mm or hh:mm (everyday). Use full day names: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Supports multiple time triggers (one line per trigger). If these lines are disabled then DelayInMinutes is used as a trigger instead.
  • Line 35: Choose which flows should be triggered (remember to enable this line). You could run multiple flows.
  • You need to manually restart this flow after logging in to Windows.
  • If you would like to purchase an attended or unattended license, you also need to set up a on-premises data gateway on the machine that will run PAD.
See Also

Run flow from Command Line Prompt or Windows Task Scheduler

Version 1.4 - 2022-09-04
  • Updated flow actions to work with Power Automate Desktop version
Version 1.3 - 2022-02-06
  • Added support for day of week scheduling.
Version 1.2 - 2022-01-19
  • Added new feature: Trigger flows daily at specific times (supports multiple).
Version 1.1 - 2022-01-01
  • Updated flow actions to work with Power Automate Desktop version
Version 1.0 - 2021-10-11
  • First version, works only with Power Automate Desktop version and earlier.
PAG Admin
Also See These Flows